Mireles, D. & Ordoñez-Kim, P. (2021, April). “Double Jeopardy: College Experiences of Dis/abled APIDA Students.” In paper session Students with Disabilities and Resource Management – Division G Section 2: Differences and Intersectionalities at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Online.
Patel, L., Jayakumar, U., Wang, S., and Wang, X. (2020, November 12). “Fellowship and Grant Proposal Writing: an AERA REAPA Informal Chat Webinar” (Patriccia Ordoñez-Kim, moderator and session organizer, and Maidina Aihemaitijiang, session organizer) hosted by the Graduate Representatives of the Research on the Education of Asian Pacific Americans (REAPA) - Special Interest Group (SIG) of the American Educational Research Association (AERA).
Ordoñez, P., Grummert, S., Vizcarra, M., and Espinoza, E. (2020, April). “Mobilizing as ‘Outsiders Within’: The Power and Liminality of Queer, Femme, and Brown Graduate Students.” In symposium session “#CampusSoWhite: Exposing White Institutional Dominance in Higher Education” (Patriccia Ordoñez, session organizer) at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA.
*cancelled due to COVID-19 Stay-at-home order
Ordoñez, P. (2019, April). “The Noise between Movements: ‘Tsismis’ as Critical Talk and Navigation in a Graduate Program” (roundtable session). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, ON, Canada.
Ordoñez, P. (2019, April). “A Critical Race Theory Analysis: Counterstories of California English Learner Students” (paper session). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, ON, Canada.
Ordoñez, P. (2018). Filipino Academics in the U.S. Mainland: Colonial Students in the 1920s-1930s (paper session). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, NY.
Ordoñez, P. (2017). Mita Mangga: A Counterstory for California English Learner Students (paper session). Paper presented at the 115th annual conference of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA), Honolulu, HI.
Ordoñez, P. (2017). Contextualizing the “Postcolonial” Filipino and U.S. Imperialism: Overcoming Intergenerational Amnesia towards Community Healing (paper session). Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Association for Ethnic Studies (NAES), San Francisco, CA.
Raby, R., Ordoñez, P. & Sayed, R. (2013). Perspectives on the Application of International Education in California Universities—Voices from Graduate Students. Panel discussion at the Western Regional Conference of the Comparative International Education Society (CIES), Los Angeles, CA.
Ordoñez, P. (2011). Body Modifications and Sexual Behavior. Poster presentation at the Annual Sociology Research Forum, California State University, Northridge, CA.